I received an error message on the site, what should I do?

CompKeepr has default messages that appear when issues arise. If you see a 'Forbidden' warning, this usually means that you don't have access to the item, but this could be due to a change in the item (like it being re-assigned to a different user after you were sent a message).

If you see a 'Whoops...' or a 500 server error, this means an error on the site has occurred, and while this normally means that we were notified of the error and are likely already trying to fix it, you can feel free to notify us by submitting a ticket directly from your application using the 'Help' icon in the bottom corner, or by submitting a ticket here on this site. Most times, we are actively trying to correct the error and you can try to do what you were doing later in the day. If the issue persists, please contact us.

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