
Location settings are used to simplify what appears when you are logged in.  They are based on your current workplace.


Students can update their locations to ensure the list of preceptors is accurate when they want to submit an evaluation request.  Keeping all locations you may be rotating through is not required, and may make your preceptor list larger than necessary.

Any evaluation you sent to a preceptor will remain in their inbox, even if you change your location, so you don't have to wait for pending evaluations you have sent before updating your location.

The only time you should leave location in your account profile page is if you have not yet received a formal evaluation from your clinical instructor (if your CompKeepr installation has this function).  Once you have received a formal evaluation from an instructor, you may remove the location.  

If you do not see the option to change locations in your profile page, they are controlled by your school administrator, please contact them.


School accounts and our support team can add or merge locations if you have multiple accounts with the SAME CompKeepr installation. Different schools have different CompKeepr installations and accounts cannot be merged between them.

Preceptors can edit evaluation forms for students that are still listed in their location. Once a student removes themselves from the location, their evaluations will no longer appear in the completed evaluations list for editing. Inbox items will still remain in the preceptors inbox until they are evaluated, even if the student has removed the preceptors location from their account.


Instructors can view all evaluations completed by student in their location, but not from other locations (location settings do not affect the generation of Average Score Reports, which are based on a rotation and date range, all evaluations will be included).  This allows them to generate Average Score Reports, and create formal evaluations of the students as well.  If a student removes themselves from the location of an Instructor, the Instructor can no longer generate reports or create new formal evaluations for the student.  Therefore, these formal evaluations must be created prior to the student removing the location from their account if they rotate elsewhere. 

Instructors can have multiple locations added to their account if they are required to oversee more than one location (locations are managed by School Accounts).

School Accounts

School accounts can edit user locations by visiting the All Users page (also on the Students page in CompKeepr Version 2) and using the 'Actions' button to Edit their account. The Location section you see in the image above is at the bottom of the Edit screen.  If an Instructor account requires overseeing multiple sites, they can have these locations added to their account by a school account.

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