Correcting Emails

This is for School and Clinical Instructor accounts

School Accounts

If you are notified by CompKeepr that there was a failed email address for a user, follow the following steps to correct them.

  1. Visit the All Users page
  2. Search for the User with the incorrect email
  3. Click Actions -> Edit for the User
  4. Check that the email was spelled correctly. If it appears to be correct, copy the email address and attempt to email them with your email program of choice, to see if it bounces back.
  5. After correcting the email click SAVE.  (You MUST do this before the next step)
  6. CompKeepr V1: Below the user information form is a button to Send New Account Email, click this to send them another email instructing them to set a password.

    CompKeepr V2: Click the lock icon in the actions menu to send them a reset password email.

If the above steps fail, and the email continues to bounce, CompKeepr may request a different email be used for the user. Please do not delete users if they still have outstanding evaluations, contact us first.

Clinical Instructors

If you are notified by CompKeepr that there was a failed email address for a user, follow the following steps to correct them.

  1. Visit the Preceptors or Evaluators page
  2. Search for the Preceptor with the incorrect email
  3. Click Edit for the User
  4. Check that the email was spelled correctly. If it appears to be correct, copy the email address and attempt to email them with your email program of choice, to see if it bounces back.
  5. After correcting the email click SAVE.  (You MUST do this before the next step)
  6. CompKeepr V1: Below the user information form is a button to Send New Account Email, click this to send them another email instructing them to set a password.

    CompKeepr V2: From the main table, click the lock icon in the actions menu to send them a reset password email.

If the above steps fail, and the email continues to bounce, CompKeepr may request a different email be used for the user.  Please do not delete users if they still have outstanding evaluations, contact us first.

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