Content Setup and Updating

While CompKeepr performs the initial setup, school accounts have the ability to update, make changes, and add new competencies and evaluation forms.

Below are additional sections found in CompKeepr for school accounts only. If you are unfamiliar with making changes, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance until you are comfortable making changes.

Please note: For some installations, these options are located in the Admin Panel section.

Competency Categories

Competencies Categories are exactly that, categories for you competencies. All competencies are associated with a category. The competency list for students can be filtered by category, and the competency overview page also has an option to view the Category Completion status (% completion) for each category using a dropdown.


Competencies are the skills you require students to complete to be considered at a level of entry to practice. The have the following components.

  1. Category (these options are your Competency Categories)
  2. Title
  3. Description
  4. Benchmark score (based on the evaluation scale used for the competency)
  5. Number required (the number of times they must meet the benchmark
  6. Simulation (this is checkbox used to identify competencies that can be simulated

Other options available depending on your installation:

  1. Ability to 'log only' (this means they don't send it for evaluation)
  2. Check box criteria that may be used to identify completed or missed items.


There are four role options in CompKeepr

  1. Student
  2. Preceptor
  3. Instructor
  4. School

These roles should not be altered except for adding the evaluate permission to school accounts if you wish to allow students to send you items for assessment.

Adding the evaluate permission to the school role will add an Inbox page to your menu.

Please note: Students must share a location with you in order for them to see you in their dropdown list of people they can send items to. School accounts have their school location by default, and students can add the school location from their profile page.

Evaluation Scales

Evaluation scales are used for competency assessments, and evaluation forms.  

If you have the Attitude Scale in use, you will see this scale for competency assessments, and the scores are averaged on the student's Competency Overview page.

If you delete the attitude scale, it will be removed form all competency assessments and from the Competency Overview page.


Rotations are options available to evaluation forms as a dropdown selection. These are typically used to identify a current placement or time period for the evaluation.

Formal Periods

Formal Periods are options available to formal evaluations. These are also used to identify a current placement or time period for the evaluation.


Courses are like labels for various evaluation forms, if you need different versions of a form for different time periods.

Depending on your installation, courses may also be used to make content only visible to students that have labelled themselves with the the same course. This option is available on some CompKeepr installations and must be turned on in the Settings section.

Evaluation Forms

You can create, edit, delete, duplicate, activate or deactivate evaluation forms.  It’s import to note that when creating new forms you first should create the evaluations scale you wish to use with it (if it does not already exist), as it will appear as a dropdown option when creating the form. 

While school accounts have full control over the evaluation forms, they take time and practice to get comfortable working with them. Please contact customer support for assistance if you are unsure how to work with evaluation forms.


There are various settings available to activate/deactivate. Some of these settings are specific to your CompKeepr installation. Please contact customer support for assistance if you are unsure what the setting option does.

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